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Still open, still masking, still healthy!

Updated: Jan 16, 2023

Update 1/16/23: As we enter the third year dealing with COVID-19, we want to let you know that our office remains a safe place to work and to visit. And we know so much more about COVID now, so while our approaches to it have changed, our commitment to your health and safety remain paramount.

For example, though we no longer wipe down all high-touch services after each and every client - that was EXHAUSTING, though we did do what was asked of us at the time - we still do wipe down all high-touch surfaces including doorknobs, door trim, bathroom fixtures, etc. every 3 hours or so. We clean our air filters regularly so as to keep air in the treatment rooms as microbe-free as possible, but we no longer require people to complete a COVID-19 survey before their appointments, or take their temperature once here. Our schedule for each day remains "split" so that Zach and Sarah (and their clients) do not overlap, keeping numbers in our space as low as possible at any given time. Speaking of scheduling, our online booking and payment system has been a huge hit, leaving us wondering why we didn't implement it earlier!

And we continue to wear our masks at all times before, during, and after treatment. We believe that masks offer the best protection to all populations (read more here:, and continue to have surgical masks available to our clients in case anyone forgets theirs. It is good to note that as of January 2023 in Massachusetts, practitioners such as acupuncturists licensed by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine are still required to mandate masking of everyone working in or visiting medical facilities like ours (see more:

Most importantly, neither of our practitioners, and none of our clients (that we know of) have caught so much as a cold in our space! It's been quite a revelation to learn that the masking, distancing, and other measures we implemented due to COVID have and will continue to protect us all from many communicable illnesses - and that's the best news of all!

Original post, 6/6/20:

We’ve been working hard to update our systems to help keep everyone safe and healthy. One of the things we’ve implemented is our new online booking site. It's very simple to use, and allows you to make, change, or cancel an appointment; send touchless payments; and download receipts, all easily and at your convenience. You can check it out and set up an account by clicking here. We've also implemented many new safety protocols. We understand that some of these may be cumbersome (or annoying!), but at this time there is no other option. We ask for your patience as we navigate these new challenges together.

1. The day before each appointment, we'll email you a 4-question survey. In compliance with CDC guidelines, if you respond that you have a fever, loss of sense of smell, or any other symptoms of COVID-19, we will need to reschedule your visit. We will NOT be able to see you until you complete this survey.

2. Our beautiful waiting room is CLOSED for now. Our new waiting room is your car. Please wait in it, or enjoy some fresh air outside, until your scheduled appointment time. At that time, come on in! Any companions, unless the client is a minor, should wait for you outside until you are finished.

3. Your practitioner will take you right into a private, sanitized, treatment room where they will ask again if you have any new respiratory symptoms and take your temperature. If your temperature is 100.4 or higher, you will be asked to go home and contact your primary care physician immediately.

4. YOU MUST WEAR A MASK AT ALL TIMES. Please come with your own mask; if you do not bring one, we have some disposable masks available for a small fee.

Despite all that's gone on, we want you to feel comfortable knowing that we are meeting or exceeding all the guidelines set forth by the CDC and the state.      

These include:

  • Online booking and payment to minimize opportunities for transmission

  • Staggered appointment times, as well as split shifts (Sarah and Zach working at different times with no overlap) to facilitate social distancing

  • Masks and jackets worn by our practitioners and changed regularly

  • Disinfection of all doorknobs, tabletops, and other high-contact surfaces after every client

  • Hand sanitizer available in every room for your use at any time

As always, our practitioners wash their hands before and after every client interaction. We encourage you to continue hand washing as often as possible.

Thank you for all of your messages of concern, encouragement, and joyful celebration of our return! It has meant so much to us, more than you might know. We are excited to get back to meeting your need for safe, gentle, and effective healthcare in a welcoming and clean environment.

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